Patrick Piggott (piano)
The Leighton Lucas Orchestra
(Leader, Ronald Good )
Conductor, Leighton Lucas
by H. G. Nicholas
Fellow of New College, Oxford
Mr. Nicholas considers Max Lerner's America as a Civilisation as the latest manifestation of a continuous American self-consciousness and asks why Americans both affirm and question the distinctiveness of their culture and society.
with the episode of Veronica's Handkerchief'
Translated from the fourteenth-century original and adapted for broadcasting by Terence Tiller
Music composed by Elizabeth Poston conducted by Douglas Robinson '
Two Cantatas
Nlmm yon una, Herr, du treuer Gott Herallch lleb hab Ich dich
Norddeutscher Singkrels Instrumental Ensemble
Conducted by Gottfried Woltera on a gramophone record