Max Worthley (tenor)
Josephine Lee (accompanist)
Erich Gruenberg (violin)
Celia Arieli (piano)
The Conscious Use of Myth
Talk by the Rev. U. E. Simon
Lecturer in Hebrew and Old Testament Studies at King's College, London
In this talk the Rev. U. E. Simon raises criticism of Rudolf Bultmann's method of demythologising. He maintains that the Biblical writers selected a common mythology of the Near East, purged i-t of pagan associations, and re-interpreted it in a religious context: in this way the present literary form of the Bible is inseparable from its context. Mr. Simon maintains that there could be nothing to take the place of myth and that all attempts to demyrhologise deprive the faith of its eternal imagery and leave a fiat, unpoetioal religious jargon. The need is not to demythologise but to re-mythologise, and this he believes many poets and some psyohologists of our day are engaged in doing.
Last of four talks
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Spoken in Middle English pronunciation by Nevill Coghlll with an introductory talk
(The recorded broadcast of Jan. 28)
Joan Alexander (soprano) Alexander Young (tenor) John Cameron (baritone)
Charles Spinks (harpsichord)
St. Cecilia Orchestra
(Leader, Thomas Carter)
Conducted by Walter Goehr
Philidor (1726-1795)
Entree des Soldats et Rigaudon
Recit. and Air: O toi qui ne peux m'entendre (Tom Jones)
Gretry (1741-1813)
Danse generale, Marche, and Air (La
Caravane du Caire)
Duo: N'est-il pas vrat qu'elle eat charmante (Lucile)
Air: Qu'il est doux de dire en aimant
Air: St l'univers entier m'oublie
(Richard Coeur de Lion)
This is the first of three programmes of French operatic music, devised by Robert Collet.
Two talks by Michael Tippett on music and the poetic element in the theatre
2-The Moderns
by Jean Anouilh
Translated by Lucienne Hill
Radio adaptation by John Richmond
Music by John Hotchkis
Production by Raymond Raikee
Joseph Weingarten (piano)
by R. A. Lyttleton , Ph.D.
Dr. Lyttleton talks about two recent books: 7 he Planers: their Origin and Development by the American chemist. Professor Harold C. Urey, and Life on Other Worlds by Sir Harold Spencer Jones , the Astronomer Royal.