Oda Slobodskaya (soprano)
Arsene Kirilloff (baritone)
Frederick Stone (piano) Another programme of Russian songs October 24
Talk by Father Gordon Albion
By Letters Apostolic dated September 29, 1850, Pope Pius IX decreed that ' the hierarchy of Bishops Ordinary taking their titles from their sees should, according to the usual rules of the Church, again flourish in the Kingdom of England.' The circumstances that led to the drawing up of this Papal document and the reaction in England to its promulgation are the subject of this talk by Father Albion, Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and Honorary Secretary of the Catholic Record Society.
Aeolian String Quartet:
Alfred Cave (violin)
Leonard Dight (violin) Watson Forbes (viola)
John Moore (cello)
Talk by Max Beloff
The speaker, who has made a special study of Soviet foreign policy, comments on recently published books that throw light on Russia's relations with Poland.
by Moray McLaren and Lennox Milne
An account of a midsummer visit to the Faroe Islands, the Arctic archipelago that lies between the Shetlands and Iceland
Produced by Douglas Cleverdon
Symphonie Fantastique
Reveries: Un bal. Scene aux champs;
Marche au supplice;
Songe d'une nuit de sabbat played by the London Philharmonic Orchestra
(Leader, David Wise )
Conducted by Victor de Sabata
From the Royal Albert Hall. London
' The Marmosite's Miscellany
A poem in dialogue
Felix Felton. Robert Marsden
Production by Terence Tiller
The Well-tempered Clavier
Six Preludes and Fugues (Book 1)
No. 1, in C; No. 2. in C minor; No. 3, in C sharp; No. 4, in C sharp minor; No. 5. in D; No. 6. in D minor played by Iso Elinson (piano)
First of four programmes of Bach's Forty-eight Preludes and Fugues, Book 1
In view of the performance of the whole of Book I of Bach's ' Welt-tempered Clavier' in this series of four piano recitals, it may be of interest to quote the full title of the work when it first appeared. ' The Well-tuned Keyboard,' it ran, ' or. Preludes and Fugues in all the tones and semitones, alike with the major third, or Ut, Re, Mi, and with the minor third, or Re. Mi, Fa. For the use of young musicians who are eager to learn, and also as a pastime for those who are already skilled in this study, set out and made by Johann Sebastian Bach , Capellmeister to the Grand Duke of Anhalt-Cothen. and director of his chamber-music. Anno 1722.' H.R.
A monthly review of current questions in architecture
Festival Architecture
Talk by J. M. Richards on the South Bank architecture for 1951
The Renaissance Singers
Conductor, Michael Howard
Jesu dulcis memoria; Ave Maria:
Ecce Sacerdos: 0 magnum misterium
Ascendens Christus In altum; Ecce
Dominus veniet
Pueri hebraeorum; Duo Seraphim clamabant; 0 vos omnes