String Quartet No. 2, in F minor
Sostenuto -
Vivo e con brio
Larghetto-Allegro played by the Griller String Quartet
or The Uses of Bad Art
Geoffrey Grigson talks about the Belgian painter Antoine Wiertz (1806-65)
An episode from
' The Dolly Dialogues ' by Anthony Hope
Adapted for broadcasting by Owen B. Howell
Produced by Donald McWhinnie
An oratorio after James Thomson
Isobel Baillie (soprano)
Richard Lewis (tenor)
Trevor Anthony (bass)
Edinburgh Royal Choral Union
(Chorus-Master. Herrick Bunney ) Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
(Leader. David McCallum )
Sir Thomas Beecham, Bt.
From the Usher Hall, Edinburgh
Part 1
Spring; Summer
Sir Arthur Grimble reads a passage from ' Urn Burial'
Part 2
Autumn; Winter
Two verse dialogues from Walter Savage Landor 's volume of 1847 Arranged for broadcasting and produced by Rayner Heppenstall
' Menelaus and Helen at Troy ' preceded by A part of the dialogue between Achilles and Helena on Mount Ida
Helena: Jill Balcon
Achilles: David. Peel
'The Hamadryad'
Partita No.' 3, in A minor Toccata in G
Toccata in D minor played by Jean Mackie (piano)
Fifth of six programmes in which all Bach's partitas and toccatas are being played
Desmond Shawe-Taylor talks about the two versions of the Strauss - Hofmannsthal opera ' Ariadne auf Naxos '