Arda Mandikian
Introduced by Alan Collingridge
First Delphic Hymn: Second Delphic Hymn; Hymn to the Muses ; Hymn to Nemesis; Hymn to the Sun: Epitaph of Seikilos
The Korean Scene
Some recollections by C. P. FitzGerald , of the Department of Oriental Studies at the Australian
National University
A shortened version of Moliere's comedy
English adaptation by Miles Malleson
Incidental music. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, by Richard Strauss played by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (leader. David McCallum ). Conductor: Sir Thomas Beecham Bt.
Produced by Carl Ebert .
From the King's Theatre. Edinburgh The action of the play takes place in the great hall of M. Jourdain's house, and of the opera . on a stage set up in the hall
Talk by V. C. Clinton-Baddeley
Opera in one act
Libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Music by Richard Strauss
Cast in order of singing:
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
(Leader. David McCallum )
Conductor: Sir Thomas Beecham. Bt
Produced by Carl Ebert
From the King's Theatre. Edinburgh
by Dennis Chitty
During the war Dennis Chitty , of the Oxford Bureau of Animal Population, was one of a biological team working on rat :ontrol. He describes how rats were observed and how the biologist tackles the problems of animal behaviour.
Serenade in D, Op. 25 played by the Wigmore Ensemble:
Geoffrey Gilbert (flute) Maurice Clare (violin) Frederick Riddle (viola)
John Richardson talks about recent acquisitions at the Tate
Seven Sonatas
L.488, in G; L.232, in G; L.413 In D minor; L.463. in D; L.479. in F; L.388. in G: L.461, in D played by Sylvia Marlowe (harpsichord)