Mystères du Rosaire Poemes d'Henri Gheon
1-Miroir de
Joie Annonciation ; Visitation; Natlvité; Présentation; Recouvrement
2-Miroir de
Peine Agonie au Jardin; Flagellation;
Couronnement d'Epines; Portement de Croix: Crucifixion
3-Miroir de Gloire
Résurrection; Ascension; Pentecôte; Assomption; Couronnement au Ciel
Nancy Evans (mezzo-soprano)
London Chamber Singers
London Chamber Orchestra
(Leader, Andrew Cooper )
Conductor, Anthony Bernard
The Marxist View
Professor Hyman Levy , of the Imperial College of Science, considers the Marxist view of man in society
Nina Milkina (piano)
John Francis (flute) Max Rostal (violin)
Thurston Dart (harpsichord)
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (Leader, David McCallum )
Conducted by Walter Goehr
A comedy by Moliere
Freely adapted in prose for the English stage by F. Anstey
(Continued in next column)
The Scene: Celimene's house in Paris
The Time: 1666
Incidental music composed and directed by Norman Demuth
Production by E. J. King Bull
Heather Stannard is appearing in ' Venus Observed' at the St. James's Theatre; Richard Wordsworth , in ' Treasure Hunt at the Apollo Theatre, London)
Quintet in B minor, Op. 115 played by Frederick Thurston (clarinet)
Martin String Quartet:
David Martin (violin)
Neville Marriner (violin)
Eileen Grainger '(viola)
Bernard Richards (cello)
Fifth of six programmes of music by Brahms.
by Hesketh Pearson
This is the first of two talks, given in January, in which Mr. Pearson added to the reminiscences of the last actor-managers (1906-1917) which' he broadcast last year.
It is concerned with Sir Frank Benson and with one of the leading Bensonians, Oscar Asche.
Second talk: Tuesday at 11.0
Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber played by the Swedish Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra
Conductor, Fritz Busch