Chamber Music
Dennis Brain (hom) Max Rostal (violln)
Franz Osborn (piano)
Flora Nielsen (mezzo-soprano)
Ernest Lush (accompanist)
Aeolian String Quartet:
Alfred Cave (violin)
Leonard Dight (violin) Watson Forbes (viola)
John Moore (cello)
Keith Cummings (viola)
Trio in E flat. Op. 40, for horn. violin, and piano
6.31 app. Songs:
In der Fremde; Geheimnis; Ruhe. Süsslieobchen; Madchenilied ; Wie froh und frische
6.45 app. String Quintet in G, Op. 111
(The last item is recorded)
Fourth of six programmes of music by Brahms.
A myth for broadcasting by Maurice Carpenter
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Fernando Previtali
Part 1
Roman Law
Professor F. de Zulueta. of Oxford University, discusses the Roman Law as a system built round the family
Third of six talks
Part 2
A critical examination and reconstruction of the life and adventures of the most prolific and least publicised writer in English literature, with frequent extracts from his poems
Written and introduced by J. B. Bamfoorough
Reader. Richard Ainley
Produced by Edward Livesey
(Shortened version of broadcast on Feb. 8 in the Midland Home Service)
Marina de Gabarain (soprano)
Frederick Fuller (baritone)
Frederic Mompou (piano)
Trois Impressions Intimes:
Oiseau triste; Piaintes; Secreto
Te presentia como el mar; Lleve sofora el vio; Pito pito
Neu: J'ai vu dans la lune; Petite fille
Canco i Dansa No. 1
Jeunes filles au jardin Canco i Dansa No. 8
Talk by Martin Cooper