Talk by Alan Pryce Jones on Houston Stewart Chamberlain
by I. Deutscher
Fourth in a series of seven talks
BBC Chorus
Geraint Jones (organ)
Chamber Orchestra
Conducted by Cyril Gell
From St. Mary Magdalen, Paddington
1—'The Apology' and ' Crito '
A new translation by Hugh Tredennick
Arranged for broadcasting and produced by Rayner Heppenstall
Robert Irwin (baritone)
Frederick Stone (accompanist)
Hirsch String Quartet
Louis Kentner (piano)
The Beethoven Quartet is to be repeated on Friday
Harold Nicolson gives a personal impression
(Originally broadcast. in the series ' Famous Men': Home Service, March 28)
An appreciation of her poetry by Patric Dickinson
Reader, Jill Balcon
Gareth Morris (flute) Dennis Brain (horn)
James Whitehead (cello)
Harvey Phillips (cello)
Harry Isaacs (piano) York Bowen (piano)
An appreciation by Malcolm Muggeridge
Malcolm Muggeridge 's talk on the partnership of Beatrice and Sidney Webb is based on his own recollections and on Beatrice Webb 's autobiography, of which the second volume, Our Partnership, was published recently.