Four poems by William Blake , for baritone and string trio: Spring; Summer; Autumn; Winter
(first broadcast performance) sung by Robert Irwin (baritone) with the Carter String Trio:
Mary Carter (violin)
Anatole Mines (viola) Peggie Sampson (cello)
' Was there a - German Resistance Movement? '
G. Barraclough reviews some recent books on the German opposition to Hitler before and during the war
played by the Loewenguth String Quartet:
Alfred Loewenguth (violin)
Maurice Fueri (violin)
Roger Roche (viola)
Pierre Basseux (cello)
With Clifford Curzon (piano)
' The Idea of Progress '
John Bowie , of Wadham College, Oxford, analyses Progress as a concept, its origins, and its meaning to the Victorians
He is followed by Basil Willey , Professor of English Literature at Cambridge, who traces the development and extension of the idea of Progress in the Victorian intellectual arena
Conductor, Ian Whyte
Frederick Grinke (violin)
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Arranged for broadcasting in seven parts by Nevill Coghill
Produced by Stephen Potter
Part 4
Conductor, T. B. Lawrence
Six talks on the Greek strain In English poetry by J. T. Sheppard , i.itt.i)., Provost of King's College, Cambridge
5-' The President of the Immortals '
Final talk, 'The Charioteer': February 13