Fantasy on the Chorale, Wie schSn leucht't uns der Morgenstern, Op. 40 No.
Fantasy on the Chorale, Straf michnicht in deinem Zorn, Op. 40 No. 2 played by Fernando Germani (organ)
From Westminster Cathedral
' The English at the Seaside '
Elizabeth Jenkins discusses Christopher Marsden 's book, and the nostalgia and sentiment that have become associated with the seaside during the last century
Act 1
in an interlude of humour in words and music
Act 2
' by Alexander Pope
Read by Margaret Vines
Produced by Christopher Hassall
Fantasy Sonata for piano (Tippett): Phyllis Sellick
Violin Sonata, Op. 31 No. 2
(Rubbra) : Albert Sammons and Gerald Moore on gramophone records