Dramatic poem by John Milton
Produced by Patric Dickinson
played by Kyla Greenbaum (piano) and Edward Walker (flute)
Frank Hughes (E flat clarinet)
Bernard Walton (clarinet)
Wilfred Hambleton (bass-clarinet)
Harold Jackson (trumpet) Stanley Brown (trombone) James Blades (percussion)
Raymond Clark (cello)
L. Chesterman (double-bass)
Conducted by Constant Lambert
by E. M. Forster
Adapted for broadcasting and produced by Leonard Cottrell
, Harriet Cohen (piano)
London Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, George Stratton )
Conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent
From the Royal Albert Hall, London
A factual presentation of research into cosmic rays from the time of the balloon ascent by Gockel in 1909 up to the present day. Some crucial experiments are reconstructed in dramatic form
Scientific advice has been given by Professor P. M. S. Blackett , F.R.S., who speaks at the end of the programme on the future prospects of cosmic-ray research
Written and produced by Nesta Pain
I. A. Richards , Litt.D., Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge, now teaching at Harvard, recorded this talk while on a recent visit to Britain. (It is a speech he delivered at Harvard, following Mr. Marshall's statement on aid to Europe)
Fantasia in F minor (K.6M) Andante in F (K.616)
Adagio and Allegro (K.594)
(Composed for mechanical organ) played by Ralph Downes (organ)
From Brompton Oratory