Jean Pasquier (violin) Pierre Pasquier (viola)
Etienne Pasquier (cello)
The first of two talks in which Professor J. Isaacs talks on the Influence of the Bible on English literature
(' Les Mouches ') by Jean-Paul Sartre
Translation by Stuart Gilbert
The Characters:
Others taking part are Ella Bennett , Anne Cullen. David Enders. Malcolm Hayes , Micheline Patton. Patsy Smart , and Lionel Stevens
Incidental music composed and conducted by Norman Demuth
Adaptation and production by E. J. King Bull
Kate Winter (soprano)
Linda Seymour (contralto)
Richard Lewis (tenor) George James (bass) Morley College Choir Franz Osborn (piano) Peter Stadlen (piano)
Noel Mewton-Wood (piano)
Eric Harrison (piano) Six percussion players
Conductors, Walter Goehr and Michael Tippett Conducted by Michael Tippett Conducted by Walter Goehr
Byrd's motet, generally considered one of his nnest compositions, was published in Cantiones Sacrae of 1591. It is a setting of a metrical paraphrase, in Latin elegiacs. of Psalm 150, ' Praise ye the Lord, Praise God in his Sanctuary '
1-Extracts from Langland's poem
Arranged for broadcasting by Nevill Coghill
Produced by Stephen Potter