Conductor, J. G. LEACY
FREDA MAWDITT (violoncello)
A radio play of life in the Rhondda
Valley today
From the novel by JACK JONES
The people in the play
The Rev. Dan Price , B.A. Uncle Shoni Lloyd Aunt Emily Lloyd Lucy Meredith
Big Mog, a bookmaker
The Captain, Big Mog's clerk
Evans the Draper, of the ' Bon
Marche '
Llew Rhondda , musician Marged, his wife
Bandy Bowen , of Pandy; a boxer Dai Hippo , a communist
The Senior Deacon of Beulah Chapel
Councillor W. Rees , J.P., the Chapel
Mordecai Rees , of the Rhondda
Revellers Dance Band
The adaptation and the production by DAFYDD GRUFFYDD