' K ' Department-Secret Service
(No. 4)
' by J. D. STRANGE
5.45 From Regional :
' Here and There '
STEPHEN KING-HALL will give his weekly talk on World Affairs
Conductor, T. J. Harris
From the Gorse Hall, Swansea
with VINCE VAUGHAN and JACK HCGHES from the Majestic Ballroom,
including Weather Forecast
(Gardening in the Spring)
Gwilym M. Jones
The fifth programme in this series will be given by a schoolmaster
from the Bude Cafe, Exeter Soloist,BILL WATKIN (Soloists FRANK STATTON and BILL WATKIN )
Norman Jones and Beryl Tichbon
Nellie Evans (soprano)
Frank Evans (tenor)
' Golyddan ' gan
Tom Hughes-Jones
(' Whom the Gods Loved'-
(including Weather Forecast)
including Weather Forecast