for Farmers and Shipping
(Broadcasts to Schools in Wales)
Egwyl (Interlude)
Trefnwyd gan R.T. Jenkins
Gwers 6 - 'Marwolaeth Llywelyn ap Gruffudd'
(The Children's Hour)
Stori Dewi Sant
Rhaglen gan Elwyn a D. Haydn Davies
(A Feature Programme on St. David by Elwyn and D. Haydn Davies )
by T.D. Jones
George Hall, M.P.
A.W. Ling and C.D. Ross
Our Farming Editor is interviewing in turn the Agricultural Organisers of each of the six counties in the Region.
including Weather Forecast
Conductor, T.J. Roblin
Ina Souez (soprano)
William Parsoras (baritone)
from Penuel Chapel, Cwmavon, Port Talbot
Ronald Biggs, a studio choir, and Bodmin Centenary Choir
Ronald Biggs, in the last of these conducted rehearsals, will again be speaking to Bodmin from the Bristol studio.
The Festival in which all three participating choirs will join takes place on March 13.
Conductor, Graham Harris
Harold Williams (baritone)
from the Colston Hall, Bristol
A descriptive commentary on the Final of the Welsh Sports Cup, Team Knockout Competition
(including Weather Forecast)
Sport, Topical Talks
including Weather Forecast