(Church of Scotland)
From St. Serf's Parish Church,
Order of Service
Psalm xxxiii, vv. 1-5, Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice (Tune, Irish)
Call to Prayer
Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Hymn, Crown Him with many crowns (Rv. C.H. 136)
Old Testament Lesson, Hosea v, 15-vi, 6
Children's Hymn, All creatures of our God and King (Rv. C.H. 13, omitting vv. 2 and 3) New Testament Lesson, Philippians iii, 7-21
Anthem, Call to Remembrance
(Richard Tarrant)
Address by the Rev. GEORGE T. WRIGHT
Paraphrase xxii, w. 4-8, Supreme in wisdom as in pow'r (Tune, Dunfermline)
Organist, Paterson Lamb