by The Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Lichfield
The arrival of the Bishop at the West Entrance, when the Petition for the Dedication of the Chapel will be presented on behalf of the Governors by the Rev. Frank Bate , D.D. After knocking on the 'door three times with his pastoral staff, the Bishop will receive the key from the Headmaster and enter, followed by the Procession, the 22nd Psalm being sung.
The preliminary prayers are then said by the Bishop, after which follow the 98th Psalm, and the Lesson (John iv, 19-26), read by the Headmaster.
Then follows the Dedication of the Lady Bayley Chapel , the Organ and the Bell, followed by that of the Holy Table.
Then will be sung the hymn,
* City of God, how broad and far, Outspread thy walls sublime!' followed by the sermon by the Bishop.
The Offertory Hymn, ' 0, Worship the King ', and the Blessing conclude the service.
As the Bishop and the clergy leave the Chapel, the Recessional Hymn, ( Praise to the Holiest in the height will be sung.
Conductor, J. Locker
Dorothy Byrt (contralto)