Der Freischiltz (Weber):
The BBC Symphony Orchestra, conductor, Sir Adrian Boult : Overture
Emmanuel List (bass): Hier im ird'schen Jammertal (Caspar's Drinking Song)
Margarete Teschemacher : Und ob die Wolke Sie verhülle (And even though' clouds obscure) Rigoletto (Verdi) :
Apollo Granforte (baritone) and Zaccarini (bass): Signer ? Va, non ho niente (Sir? Go! I have nothing)
Apollo Granforte .(baritone): Pari siamo (We are Equals)
Galli-Curci (soprano) and Tito
Schipa (tenor): Ed il sol dell' anima (Love is the light of the soul)
Boris Godunov (Mussorgsky) :
Lettish Choir conducted by Kuper: Prologue. Song of the Pilgrims. Chorus of the Maidens of Sandomir. Polonaise
' Selling Iron Pipes '
Clive Eborall
on gramophone records
at the Organ of the Capitol Cinema,
Mrs. L. Snowden
Leader, Leonard Hirsch
Conductor, Eric Fogg
England v. Ireland
A commentary on the second half of the International match, by Ivan Sharpe from Old Trafford Football Ground,
with Margaret Eaves
John Duncan and The Arthur Dulay Quintet
Presented by Doris Arnold
(Orchestral arrangements by Arthur