Directed by Sydney Phasey
from the New Victoria Cinema, Bradford
Conductor, William Pethers from the Hippodrome Theatre, Coventry
A running commentary by Richard North at the Start
J. L. Topham at the Grand Stand and a description at the Parade Ring from the Town Moor Racecourse,
As the world has been" told many times before, in the RADIO TIMES and elsewhere, the St. Leger, which nowadays attracts a quarter of a million people to Doncaster every year, originated in a modest sweep-stake of twenty-five guineas proposed by a Colonel Anthony St. Leger in 1776. Only six entrants lined up for the original race, which was quite a minor feature of the usual September Doncaster meeting. The race was not given its present name until 1778.
The St. Leger is the last of the five ' classic ' races of the year, all limited to three-year-olds. It is open to both colts and fillies.
Follow the race on the plan on page 46
Leader, Daniel Melsa
Conductor, Eric Fogg
Joan Cross (soprano)
from the Pump Room,
Leamington Spa