Programme 2
FERDY MAYNE as Herr Müller
ANDREW SACHS as Richard with LILLI DURRA and CARL DUERING f Monday's broadcast
See page 42 for details of booklet
Introduced by Roy HAY
So Now it is Spring
Yesterday 1963's memorable winter ended and life in the garden becomes busier. Horticulturalists in studios in the West Country, Midlands. Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales talk to Roy HAY and WYKDHAM RUSSELL in London about some of the garden work that will be done in their area during this first spring weekend.
Introduced by BILL HARTLEY
The Motor Agents Association Annual Conference: a report by PAT GREGORY
Petrol Pumps: What they are and how they work by F. C. HARRIS of a British manufacturing firm
Miles-per-gallon: CLIVE WALKER. who is taking part in the Mobil Economy Run, talks about ways of achieving better petrol consumption
The Geneva Motor Show: RAYMOND BAXTER reports from Switzerland
Repeated on Saturday at 12.0 (Home)
Today's overseas commodity and financial news. London Stock Market closing report