Second of two illustrated talks by Charles Mackerras on Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony
A Listen and Learn series
An up-to-date report for amateur and professional naturalists
Important happenings in the world of geology, botany, and zoology during the month of December
Edited and introduced by John Hillaby
Produced by Bruce Campbell
A weekly review of political, economic, and scientific developments in British and Overseas farming
Produced by George Sigsworth
Practical men talking
Houses, hospitals, schools, factories, offices, and laboratories are all needed. To build them well and quickly at the lowest cost is the prime aim today. Can this be done better by open competitive tender or by negotiating a price for the job with a pre-selected contractor? A county architect and an industrial client join the team to give their widely different points of view.
Team Charles Crichton director of a building company Edward Mills, architect
Andrew Roberts chartered quantity surveyor Guests
Lawrence Pilkington senior technical director of a large firm of building material producers Fred Pooley
County Architect. Buckinghamshire
See facing page