A magazine for radio and recording enthusiasts
Introduced by John Kirby
Hearing and Deafness
A doctor explains the process of hearing, and. Sound visits a hospital hearing aid clinic and hearing aid distribution centre.
(The recorded broadcast of Dec. 6)
Lksson 7
Script by Ronald Hingley
Produced by Raymond Escoffey
A careers programme for those taking G.C.E.
Shelter is a basic requirement of life, but the design of a building must transcend this simple need. It must be efficiently designed for the job for which it is intended-and it must be satisfying to look at.
Introduced by Clive Baxter Arranged by Robert Gunnell
One's Children When Grown-Up by Antonia Ridge
Relationships with children when they are grown, up but still under twenty-one concern Mrs. Ridge in this talk; and also attitudes, duties, experiences in their next few years-after parents' responsibility has, legally, ceased.
See facing page