Today the BBC is experimenting with Stereophonic Sound
The Network Three transmitters, both medium-wave and VHF, will be used for one channel (left-hand) and the BBC's Television sound transmitters for the other (right-hand)
This programme includes a ' live ' broadcast by the BBC Symphony Orchestra and a record of piano music played by Andor Foldes
BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, George Hurst and Helen McKinnon (contralto)
Frederick Stone (piano)
3.18 app. Songs with piano...Schumann Gedichte der Konigin Maria Stuart
(word, by Gisbert Freiherrh Vinckc)
Abschied von Frankreich; Nach der Geburt ihres Sohnes; An die Konigin Elisabeth; Abschied von der Welt;
Gebet Mit Myrthen und Rosen
Dein Angesicht
Die Lotosbiume; Lied der Sulelka
1.38 app. Symphony No.1, In C minor