A magazine for radio and recording enthusiasts
Introduced by John Borwick
Sound Sense: B. J. Webb talks about the aims and objectives of high-fidelity reproduction.
Sound Effects: Bill Read and Desmond Briscoe talk about recording them and Donald McWhinnie talks about their use in radio drama.
Time Off with Tape: A section for the amateur tape-recordist, conducted by Tony Gibson. Cutting and editing tape demonstrated by Ivor Jarman
A programme for listeners beginning to study the language, in which Dr. A. F. Magri and Henry Bentinck go over in the studio the recordings they made in Italy during the summer.
A birthday dinner-food and wine-the use of 'piacere
Devised by Henry Bentinck and Dr. A. F. Magri
An illustrated pamphlet containing notes and vocabularies for this series can be obtained by sending a crossed postal order for Is. 6d (not stamps, please) to [address removed]
A weekly programme for mothers and fathers
Spotlight on the Grammar School
Three parents put questions to a grammar school headmaster and headmistress and to the Chief Education Officer for Norfolk
Arranged by Eileen Molony