Script by Marguerite Dasnierea
11—Le marche aux puces
Alicia Reynolds takes Betty with her to the Marche aux Puces, the famous Paris junk market.
Production byW. R. H. Carting
by Kingsley Amis
5-Orchestrating the Blues
If jazz is essentially an improvised music, how is it to be played by a large band, which necessarily uses scored arrangements? With the aid of records Kingsley Amis examines some solutions of this dilemma.
The fifth of a fortnightly series of recorded programmes
Angling and Pigeons
7.0 Salmon Fishing in Scotland
Neil GUNN ofCannich
HUGH MACRAE of Colintraive CHARLES MCLAREN , international distance fly-caster, of Lochinver
BOB MCGREGOR, ghillie, of Grantownon-Spey
Recorded in Scotland by Robin Richardson
7.15 How to Judge a Racing Pigeon
Recordings made at the INTERnational RACING PIGEON SHOW held in January this year at the Horticultural Hall. London, by: Sandy Blackr Bill Arandall
Ken Treadwell , Bob Antingham
Jed Jackson , Henri Landercy
Maurice Henrotin. Georges Goossens Introduced by Major W. H. Osman
Managing Director of The Racing Pigeon
Produced by Francis Dillon