'Training the Physically Backward Child,' by A Physician
Directed by Harry Fryer
From The Shepherd's Bush Pavilion
Mr. Godfrey Lias: 'The Salt Mines of Wieliczka'
Sir John Russell, F.R.S.: 'What the Counties do - The Southern Counties'
Arranged by Sir Walford Davies
Mr. Frank Boscoe
Directed by Guy Daines
(Scottish Regional, Programme)
Kate Johnston (Soprano)
The Dettmar Dressel Trio: Dettmar Dressel (Violin); Thelma Reiss-Smith (Violoncello); Ivan Phillipowsky (Pianoforte)
'Here and There'
A Summary of the Week's News, by Commander Stephen King-Hall
Sung by Mary Baker
Gesang Weyia's (Weyia's Song)
Schlafendes Jesuskind (The Sleeping Child Jesus)
Selbstgestandnis (Voluntary Confession)
In der Fruhe (Early in the Morning)
Der Genesene an die Hoffnung (The Convalescent's Ode to Hope)
Begegnung (Encounter)
Mr. St. John Ervine
Mr. W. E. Shewell-Cooper: 'Manures'
Mr. S. P. B. Mais
Geraldo and his Orchestra, followed by The Savoy Orpheans, from The Savoy Hotel
(Shipping Forecast, at 11.0)