(to 11.00)
Leader, Frank Thomas
Finis, a peculiar adventure, by Geoffrey Bradley
Some Flute solos by Hilary Evans
'Piglet is entirely surrounded by Water,' from Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne
Weather Forecast, First General News Bulletin and Bulletin for Farmers, followed by Regional Announcements
(From Bristol)
(Daventry National Programme)
Weather Forecast, Second General News Bulletin
(Daventry National Programme)
Some Pages from Music-hall History
(See above)
Collected by L.E. Williams
Presented by Francis Worsley
Forty-eight hours' leave! - Two nights! - Three halls a night! - Ten Songs a hall!!
Yes you could hear a lot of good numbers in forty-eight hours' leave.
(James Stephens)
(Daventry National Programme)
Roy Fox and his Band, relayed from The Kit-Cat Restaurant
(Daventry National Programme)
(to 0.00)