(to 11.00)
Directed by Guy Daines
(Scottish Regional Programme)
Magdalen Morgan: Yr Hyn Welodd Gerallt yng Nghymru yn 1188 - XII
(What Gerald saw in Wales in 1188 - XII)
(From Swansea)
by Commander Stephen King-Hall
(Daventry National Programme)
Weather Forecast, First General News Bulletin and Bulletin for Farmers, followed by Regional Announcements
A Review of Events in the West Region
(From Bristol)
Relayed from The Town Hall, Pontypridd
Mary Maddock (Soprano), Keith Falkner (Baritone)
The Pontypridd Male Voice Choir
Conducted by Gwilym T. Jones
Time Signal, Greenwich; Weather Forecast, Second General News Bulletin
Ernest Lush (Pianoforte)
The B.B.C. Orchestra (Wind Instruments of Section D)
Conducted by Victor Hely-Hutchinson
(Daventry National Programme)
(to 0.00)