(to 11.00)
by Herbert Dawson
Relayed from St. Margaret's, Westminster
(Daventry National Programme)
Directed by Harry Fryer
From The Shepherd's Bush Pavilion
(Daventry National Programme)
(to 14.20)
gan Gunstone Jones
by Stephen King-Hall
(Daventry National Programme)
A Red-Hot Radio Show featuring Jack Hulbert and supporting cast
The B.B.C. Theatre Orchestra
Conducted by Leslie Woodgate
(Daventry National Programme)
Weather Forecast, Second General News Bulletin
Australian Minister in London, responding to the Toast of 'United Empire' at the Dinner of the Royal Empire Society
(Bristol Branch)
Relayed from The Royal Hotel, Bristol
by Mischa Elman (Violin) and Arthur Cranmer (Baritone)
Mischa Elman
(Daventry National Programme)
(Daventry National Programme)
(to 23.05)