(to 11.00)
Directed by Guy Daines
Leader, Louis Levitus
Relayed from The National Museum of Wales
'The Poacher,' being the 2nd Episode of a 'Country Holiday,' by A.W. Davenport
6.0 Daventry National Programme
Gan Yr Athro E. Ernest Hughes
Professor E. Ernest Hughes, who returns to the microphone after an absence of some months, will have many interesting things to say about current events in Wales.
The London Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Hans Weisbach
Rudolf Dolmetsch (Harpsicord), Harold Darke (Organ)
Relayed from The Queen's Hall London
(Sole Lessees, Messrs. Chappell and Co., Ltd.)
(Daventry National Programme)
Time Signal, Greenwich at 9.0
Weather Forecast, Second General News Bulletin
(Daventry National Programme)
(to 23.00)