(Led by F. Weist Hill)
Conducted by Joseph Lewis
(Daventry National Programme)
(to 18.15)
Relayed from The Memorial Hall Presbyterian Church, Cowbridge Road, Cardiff
Order of Service:
Invocatory Prayer
Hymn, Thy Kingdom come, on bended knees (Church Hymnary, No. 153)
Scripture Lesson, St. John's Gospel iii, 1-13
Hymn, There is a City bright (Church Hymnary, No. 480)
Prayers and Lord's Prayer
Sermon by the Reverend Howell Williams
Hymn, O Love that will not let me go (Church Hymnary, No. 424)
(to 20.45)
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Maria Basilides (Contralto), Andre Mangeot (Violin), Eric Bray (Viola), Jack Shinebourne (Violoncello), Helen Perkin (Pianoforte)
(Daventry National Programme)
(to 23.00)