Margaret Radcliffe
relayed from the Carlton Restaurant.
The Rev. Charles Porter, Vicar of Congresbury-with-Wick St. Lawrence.
(9.15 Local News)
That one man's meat is another man's poison is very clearly demonstrated in musical appreciation.
The item which is classified as old-fashioned and delightful by one man is modern and hateful to another.
This programme begins, where most of us began, with Nelly Bly. Listeners are asked to let us know if they follow the uphill road 'Yes, to the very end.'
Group I.
This group shows 'easy' music, but it does not follow that connoisseurs will listen to it disdainfully. Nearly everyone has a tender spot for the things of childhood, and we all passed that way once.
The Station Orchestra
Two-step, 'Nelly Bly'
Group II.
The music in this group will appeal to those who like to be able to make pictures of what they hear. This group shows what may be considered to be the best type of popular music.
This group gives examples of modern music, different in treatment because different in intention from the music of the other groups.
(to 0.00)