(to 17.30)
Relayed from the Colston Hall, Bristol.
Thirty-Ninth Season
Hymn; 'God Bless Our Native Land' (Fellowship Hymn Book, No. 8)
Hymn, 'O God, Our Help in Ages Past' (Fellowship Hymn Book, No. 131)
Prayers; The Apostles' Creed; The Lord's Prayer; The Grace
Bible Reading by the Hon. Secretary
Address by the Rev. Canon W. R. Yates
Hymn, 'Abide with Me' (Fellowship Hymn Book, No. 302)
Benediction and Closing Voluntary
At the Organ: Frank W. Taylor
(to 20.40)
(9.10 Local News)
Relayed to Daventry
(to 23.10)