Relayed from the Pump Room, Bath
(to 12.30)
by Dr. James J. Simpson, M.A., D.Sc., Keeper of Zoology, National Museum of Wales.
Frank Thomas (Violin), Frank Whitnall (Violoncello), Vera McComb Thomas (Piano).
from the Carlton Restaurant.
The Station Orchestra
Conductor, Warwick Braithwaite
Ballet Music, Sicilian Vespers ......Verdi
Traumerei and Abendlied ......Schumann
The Station Orchestra.
Mr J.P. Harris
The Station Orchestra
Conductor, Warwick Braithwaite
S.B. from London.
Mr. Desmond MacCarthy
S.B. from London.
S.B. from London.
S.B. from London.
S.B. from London.
Mr. Philip Snowden
S.B. from London.
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