Empire Shopping
Week '
EMPIRE Shopping Week is observed all over the country some time in this month, and it always gives a big impetus to the Empire Goods campaign. DameMeriel Talbot has been prominent in connection with many
Dame MERiEL TALBOT. Imperial propaganda activities. She was for fifteen years secretary to the Victoria League, and travelled largely in the Empire as its representative ; she was Woman Adviser to the Ministry of Agriculture from 1920 to 1921, and has been a member of the Government Overseas Settlement Committee since 1919.
: Selections by Sidney Bowman's Trio. Another Adventure, to be narrated by Alan Howland, The Horrificus Prehistoricus of M'Bung,' in which The Wicked Uncle continues his untruthful autobiography.
Relayed from the Regent Theatre, Weymouth
To a Wild Rose (from Op. 51) Shadow Dance (Op. 39, No. 1)
' Keltic Sonata'—First Movement (Op. 59)
TO A WILD ROSE is the first of the Woodland
Sketches. This tribute is as delicate and fragrant as the flower it celebrates.
The Shadow Dance comes from a set of twelve
Studies, each intended as practice for the acquirement or strengthening of some particular point of technique. This piece, as its name suggests, is for lightness and fluency.
MacDowell's last Piano Sonata bears the title
'Keltic,' and is dedicated to Crieg. The Composer prefaces it with a verse of his own :
' Who minds now Keltic tales of yore,
Dark Druid rhymes that thrall,
Deirdre's song and wizard lore,
Of great Cuchullin's fall.'
The atmosphere of the story of Deirdre and that of the life and death of Cuchullin, the great Irish hero who fought the Danes, are woven into the substance of the Sonata.
THE FIRST MOVEMENT, marked to be played
' with great power and dignity,' is worked out upon two Main Tunes, the one in the minor key, which begins the work, and the other in the major key, which, with a slight increase of speed, moves down the keyboard, beginning broadly and firmly, and almost immediately becoming soft.
A party is being given tonight, at a flat, somewhere is London.' Such is the miracle of broadcasting that listeners will be able to eavesdrop while this party is in progress-and guess for themselves who are the guests.
A Trivial Comedy for Serious People
Produced by HOWARD ROSE
Characters :
ACT 1. Algernon Moncrieff 's Rooms in Half Moon Street, W.
ACT II. The Garden at the Manor House,
ACT III. Morning-room at the Manor
House, Woolton.