The Gentle Bird
Robin Goeh
Hob y deri dando
All Through the Hwb ir Galon Harlech
Hen Wlad fy Nhadan
SHROVE TUESDAY has now to such an extent survived Ash Wednesday - for which it was originally merely a preparation - that its observances must seem to many people meaningless. In the times, however, when Ash Wednesday opened forty days of real fasting for the bulk of the community, there was every incentive to make the day before it a festival, and it is of the curious customs that sprang up, in connection with this festival, in different parts of England, that Mr. Bush will talk to-day.
The Piano Sonatas of Mozart
THIS talk opens a new series by Mr. Edward
Cressy (who is already well known in London and the North of England) on the growth of industry—a subject a little knowledge of which makes it much easier to understand our complex industrial organization of the present day. hi this first talk he will deal with textile manufacture, which more than any uther wns revolutionized by the change from domestic production to large-scale factory organization reinforced by mechanical invention—which. of us does not remember reading of Hargreaves's Jenny and Crompton's Mule ?—and the coming of steam.
(Picture on page 428)
THE CHARLES WOODHOUSE QUARTET (Charles Woodhouse , Walter Price ; Ernest Yonge , Charles Crabbe )
A Welsh Wayside Comedy in One Act by JOHN OSWALD FRANCIS
Characters :
SCENE—A country road at night
TWM. TINKER and DICKY BACH DWL are finishing their supper
Croup of Welsh Airs
(Cader Idris. Merch Megan, Per Alan , Serch Hudol , Wynes Megan )
Rhyvelgyrch Cadben Morgan