TO-DAY Mrs. Fisher turns her attention from -*- rural England to the towns, which at the turn of the century were just becoming the preponderating interest in the community. The plirase, ' Industrial Revolution,' covers a vast complex of new developments that, amongst them, changed the whole face of England within a few decades ; and the old England has never reappeared.
The Piano Sonatas of Mozart
Mr. Marett concludes his series of talks on 'The Making of Man' with a discussion of what most authorities consider to be the cement that binds society together. There are many ways of approaching the study of Law in its sociological aspect, but there can be no doubt that the researches of the anthropologist have given us a much wider view than we could obtain in the days when philosophers based their theories of the Social Contract on a mythical personification of the 'natural man.'
(One of America's most prominent Musical
Comedy Stars)
; Local News
THIS is the last of Mr. Mitchell-Hedges's talks, in which he has described his latest journey of exploration in the wilds of Central America.