Relayed from First Presbyterian Church
Rosemary Street
John Ireland is, amongst other of his many activities, an organist. For many years he was the organist of St. Luke's Church, Chelsea. Listeners to recent organ recital broadcasts have heard the very beautiful new Compton organ recently built in the church. This, unfortunately for Ireland, was not his instrument. He played on a two manual instrument which, pending the removal of an old and dilapidated instrument and the building of the new one, was installed temporarily.
Songs by THE MAYFAIR GLEE SINGERS 'The Careful Queen '—No. 6, 'Hov the Queen made her Christmas Presents by EVELYN GLOVER
including Weather Forecast, followed b B Regional News
The Carnival of Animals is a piece of fun, a parody, a genial satire, and has, or had, implications hidden in the music. For a long time Saint-Saens would not allow it all to be published, though he released from the Suite for general use that graceful, charming little piece, The Swan. Many of the numbers are supposed to reflect the idiosyncrasies of some of his friends and associates, others to burlesque musical conventions. The whole suite is the jolly kind of music that one would expect from little sound 'pictures of birds, animals, domestic fowl, and 'pianists'.
P. A. FITZPATRICK : Farmers' Work and Worry'
Mr. H. A. Barbour , Chairman of the Joint Milk Council, will be in the studio tonight with Mr. Fitzpatrick, and will discuss with him some problems connected with the new milk schemes.
Weather Forecast and News
Weather Forecast for Northern Ireland at 10.10
(From London Regional)
y Relayed from The May Fair Hotel