At The Organ of The Classic Cinema
We welcome Aunt MOLLIE, who will make an appeal on behalf of Orphan
Children in Northern Ireland
Weather Forecast, First General News Bulletin and Bulletin for Farmers, followed by Regional News
Rossini's opera Cinderella follows the familiar story recognisably, though in a highly sophisticated operatic manner. The opera was produced at Rome during the carnival in 1817, and was a great success. The music is delicious, even though much of it was borrowed from earlier and totally different operas, as was the indolent Rossini's custom. It was first heard in London in 1820, and again in 1891. The Swanwhite suite is incidental music to a charming fairy play of Strindberg, the Scandinavian dramatist, who was not as a rule given to charm. In this case, however, he got his material from the folk ballads of his country and not from his own somewhat gloomy conception of life. Sibelius has played up to the spirit of the story, and his music is full of grace and delicacy. The whole suite consists of seven pieces, only five of which are being played here.
Weather Forecast
Second General News Bulletin
Weather Forecast for Northern Ireland at 10.0