followed by MORNING MUSIC
Light Orchestra
Conductor, David Curry
A sequence of familiar tunes featuring the BBC Revue Orchestra Conducted by Malcolm Lockyer
The Stan Reynolds Octet
Judd Proctor and his Music
Produced by Cyril Drake
Some of the records you have asked to hear played by Derek McCulloch (Uncle Mac)'
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
This week welcomes another top American artist Gene McDaniels and The Brook Brothers Jackie Trent
Jimmie Macgregor and Robin Hall
Arthur Greenslade and the Gee-Men
Tommy Sanderson and the Sandmen
The Jazz Cellar
Alan Elsdon 's Jazz Band
New To You
Spinning the latest releases Cat's Call
Disc stars you've requested L.P. of the Week
Country and Western Corner
Introduced by Brian Matthew Produced by JIMMY GRANt
Franklin Engelmann
Is the chairman of this general knowledge contest, in which listeners compete for the title ' Brain of Britain 1962 '
6: Scotland (II)
Mrs. Dorothy Dainty , East Lothian
Eric Lomax , Glasgow
Robert Swift, Stirlingshire The programme also includes ' Hear Hear! '
A test of memory for listeners at home and in the audience
Last Thursday's recorded broadcast
takes you for a ride on his Record Roundabout
Golf: English Amateur Championship
Tom Scott reports on the final From Moortown
Leicestershire v. Pakistan, Yorkshire v. Gloucestershire, Nottinghamshire v. Sussex
Commentary by John Arlott from Leicester, Brian Johnston from Bradford, and Peter Cranmer from Trent Bridge
and his
Latin-American Orchestra
Produced by Geoffrey OWEN
The Orchestra broadcasts by permission of Edmundo Ros's Club, London
with the BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra Leader. Dennis McConnell
Conductor, Jack Leon and Kathie Kay
See page 3
Bert Courtley
Johnny Edwards
Derek Warne and international stars on records:
Peggy Lee
Sarah Vaughan
Judy Garland
The Four Freshmen
Produced by JOHN HOOPER
Music for relaxing on a spring afternoon with June Thorburn
Produced by John Dyaj
with rhythm accompaniment
with the Band of H.M. Scots Guards
The U.S. Navy Band
The Frats Vocal Quintet
Compiled and introduced by Paul Martin
A selection of records including Sidney Bechet
Dizzy Gillespie , James P. Johnson Introduced by Alexis Korner Produced by Teddy Warrick
Bernard Herrmann of C.B.S. conducts the BBC Concert Orchestra Leader. William Armon with Valerie Tryon (piano)
Introduced by Roy Williamson
Overture; Variations
Ragtime; Reverie; Galop
First broadcast performance in this country
Produced by CHARLES BEARDSALL Before an invited audience in the Farringdon Studio. London
Hector Stewart requests the pleasure of your company to meet celebrities from the world of entertainment at the fabulous rendezvous of the stars
The music is provided by Charlie Spivak and his Orchestra and Ralph Flanagan and his Orchestra
Starring in the floorshow are
Bobby Darin and Helen Hume
Produced by John Powell
A Saturday radio link for those who enjoy good tunes
Introduced and played on records and on the BBC theatre organ by the Club President, Sandy Macpherson
To become a member of the club just write to Sandy: The President, Sandy's Club, Broadcasting House, London, W.1, requesting your favourite record or organ solo. If your request is included in the programme you will automatically become a member of the club and receive a membership card signed by Sandy himself.
with Jimmy Shand .
A miscellany of music from Scotland sung by Bill McCue
Anne and Laura Brand and played by Jimmy Shand and his Band
Introduced by Bill Jack Produced by BEN LYONS in the BBC's Scottish studio*
To the music of Bill Shepherd his Orchestra and Singers with Syd Dale at the piano
Norrie Paramor and the Banjo Band
Eric Ford and the Staccatos
Continental music from Adriano with a song here and there from Compère. Gerry Grant
Produced by CYRIL DRAKE