Sidney Bowman and his Orchestra
BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra
(Leader, Jack Nugent ) Conductor, Jack Leon
Edward Rubach Quintet
At 6.45 on 1,500 m.
Shipping Forecast
Weather and News Summary at 7.30
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
(Leader, James Hutcheon )
Conductor, Jack Coles
Weather and News Summary at 8.30
by the man from the ' Met' Office
Bob Danvers-Walker
Introduces your request records
News Summary at 9-30
A story. a hymn, and a prayer
visits Bowmore. the capital of The Isle of Islay, Argyll with Mabel at ' The Table' and Harry Hudson at the piano
Presented by Stephen Williams
Chris Allen and his Sextet
The Return of Dunde ' by Barbara Rock
Read by Donald Bisset
Script by Lesley Wilson
with the Albert Delroy Sextet and Renata
Your lunchtime record entertainment
From a silk mill
In Whitehaven, Cumberland
Ken Platt, Tony Brent
Matt Innes , The Gaunt Brothers
Accompanied by The Harry Hayward Trio
Introduced by Randal Herley
Produced by James Casey
with the BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra
(Leader, Jack Nugent ) Conductor, Jack Leon and Kathie Kay
News Summary at 1.30
Shipping Forecast at 1.40 on 1,500 m.
Today's etory: 'The Visitor' by Veronica Jones , told by Julia Lang.
Denis McCarthy reads from ' Mr. Finchley
Discovers His England' by Victor Canning
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
(The second item is recorded)
News Summary at 2.30
Jack Byfield and the Palm Court Orchestra
(Led by David Wolfsthal )
Visiting artist, John Lawrenson
News Summary at 3.30
Metropolitan Police Band Conductor, Roger Barsotti
Produced by Bill Scott-Coomber
Northern Dance Orchestra takes you on a melody tour
Produced by Bill Scott-Coomber
News, views, and music
Introduced by Ken Sykora
Crosby Cameo
Record Corner
New discs from Italy
Science Spot
Getting Man into Space by John Davy
Folk Songs and Ballads by the Galliards
Dennis Wilson at the piano Produced by Jack Singleton
Shipping Forecast at 6.68 on 1,500 m.
A story of country folk
Four teenagers ask the questions
In the chair, Peter Haigh
From an idea by Peter Haigh Produced by Edward Taylor
with the people of London singing songs you all know
Bryan Johnson
The Bob Brown Singers
Jackie Brown at the electric organ
Kathleen O'Hagan at the piano Singing directed and the show produced by Glyn Jones
A radio correspondence column in which listeners add their comments to some of the views expressed in last Friday's 'Any Questions? ' at the T.A. Centre, Titchfield, Hampshire
Introduced by Freddy Grisewood
Produced by Michael Bowen
Repeated on Friday at 3.0 (Home)
Richard Murdoch plays some records he hopes will amuse you
Today's artists include:
Danny Kaye , Burl Ives
Bernard Miles , Spike Jones
Introducing old ones, new ones loved ones, neglected ones by Semprini at the piano featuring his own arrangements for piano and orchestra
BBC Revue Orchestra
(Leader, Julien Gaillard )
Conducted by Malcolm Lockyer
Produced by Eric Miller
Modern Jazz played by The Ross-Courtley Jazztet and The New Jazzmakers led by Alan Ganley and Keith Christie
Introduced by Alan Dell
Produced by Terry Henebery
with Reginald Leopold and his Players
followed by Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m.