BBC Midland Light Orchestra
Conducted by Leo Wurmser
Eric Jupp and his Players Sid Phillips and his Band
News Summary at 7.30
At 7.45 on 1,500 m.
G.T.S.; Shipping Forecast
Conducted by Paul Fenoulhet with the BBC Variety Orchestra
News Summary at 8.30
by the man from the ' Met' Office
News Summary at 9.30
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
at the organ of the Tower Ballroom, Blackpool
The Banjoliers
Directed by Jack Mandel
' It Must Have Been Joey* byMartin Downes
Read by Eric Anderson
Your Wednesday showcase of music with a lilt featuring
Edward Rubach and the Novelaira and Val Doonican
Eamonn Andrews from the BBC
Gramstand at the National Radio Show at Earls Court talks to visitors and challenges the BBC Gramophone Library to find their choice in record time
Carroll Levis presents
Mollie Coombs , Tim Davies
The Clubmen, Patricia Terry
Ivan Browne and The Woolton Jazz Band accompanied by The Jackie Brown Quintet Produced by John Hooper
Bob Miller introduces
The Millermen, and The Raindrops
Presented by John Kingdon
News Summary at 1.30
Shipping Forecast at 1.40 on 1,500 m.
Today's story: 'The Little Nurse' by Mrs. E. Mallett , told by Dorothy Smith.
Antonia Ridge reads a radio version of her new book in fifteen instalments
12—' The Emerald Brooch'
Ex-Detective Superintendent Robert Fabian talks about some of his experiences in the Metropolitan Police Force.
Introduced by Geoffrey Lewis
Presented by Tony Shryane
to the children of Carmarthen who discuss the subject of Co-education
A debate between the pupils of Queen Elizabeth Grammar School for Girls and Queen Elizabeth Grammar School for Boys
Arranged by Lorraine Davies
Requested music played by the BBC Welsh Orchestra
(Leader, Philip Whiteway ) Conductor, Rae Jenkins
News Summary at 3.30
Harold Geller and his Orchestra
Paul Martin invites you to listen to songs and tunes collected from all over the world
Guest traveller, Marcelle Georgius with music heard on her tour of the Far East
Produced by Dilys Breese
with Bernie Fenton
The Rhythm Shop Walkers
Presented by Frank Hooper
Shipping Forecast at 5.58 on 1,500 m.
Eamonn Andrews from the BBC
Gramstand at the National Radio Show at Earls Court talks to visitors and challenges the BBC Gramophone Library to find their choice in record time
followed by Tonight's Topic
on gramophone records
with Deryck Guyler , Pat Coombs
Jimmy Lavall , Bill Pertwee
The Maple Leaf Four
Bob Sharpies and his Orchestra
A new series of problems in detection by John P. Wynn
14 — ' The Last of the Merritons '
Cast in order of speaking:
Music composed and conducted by Alan Paul
Production by Trafford Whitelock
The Summer Show of Shows
In tonight's recording
Your resident host, Jack Watson welcomes Shelley Marshall
Stanley Unwin , Ronald Chesney
Edmund Hockridge
Reginald Dixon
Guest star, Arthur Askey with The Woodmen
Directed by Raymond Woodhead and Billy Ternent and his Orchestra
Produced by Roy Speer
Heavyweight Championship of the British Empire
with Ken Mackintosh and his Orchestra and singers Kenny Bardell
Shirley Western , Bob Johnston the piano of Felix King and, of course, Jackie Rae
Produced by Terry Henebery
News Summary at 11.30
Shipping Forecast on 1,600 m.