Southern Serenade
Directed by Lou Whiteson The Martin-Wilson Players
William Davies (electric organ)
Edward Rubach (piano)
News Summary at 7.30
At 7.45 on 1,500 m.
G.T.S.; Shipping Forecast
BBC West of England Light Orchestra
Conductor, Frank Cantell
Introduced by Sam Costa
News Summary at 9.30
A story, a hymn. and a prayer
at the BBC theatre organ with Duncan Robertson (tenor)
The Gerald Crossman Players
'The Bird Lover'
Read by Hamilton Dyce
First of three stories by Nell Bell
Conductor, Harry Nuttall
The Man and his Music
A portrait in sound of Irving Berlin
Compiled and presented by Paul Martin
Produced by Denis Lewell
From the North of England
BBC Northern Dance Orchestra
Directed by Alyn Ainsworth Morecambe
and Wise Carlton Crowther , Russ Conway
Janet Brown , The Four Ramblers
Introduced by Roger Moffat
Produced by James Casey
Rock, cha-cha, jazz and the top of the pops played by the Oscar Rabin Band
Directed by David Ede with Lorie Mann. Ray Pilgrim and Colin Day
The Hound Does. Clarinet plus Five
The Jazz Bag. Groovin' Guitar
Presented by John Hooper
News Summary at 1.30
Shipping Forecast at 1.40 on 1,500 m.
Nursery rhymes, stories, music for children under five
Today's story: 'The Little Grey Mouse ' by Mrs. I. M. Dubois, told by Julia Lang.
Dorothy Smith introduces the programmes this week
We'll Have to Ask Your Father: three fathers discuss questions likely to arise in family life.
How to Use: 3—Cornflour. Tips from an expert
Out of the News: involving a topic of interest
Letter from Cyprus — recorded there by Antonia Ridge
(Continued in next column)
On Having a Baby: first of two talks by a Professor of Obstetrics.
Serial: ' Listen to Danger ' by Dorothy Eden
Abridged by Edward Blishen
Read by Mary Wimbush
The first of twelve instalments
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
News Summary at 2.30
Frank Cantell introduces his kind of music played by the BBC
West of England Light Orchestra
(Leader, Frederick Lunnon )
News Summary at 3.30
Nat Temple and his Orchestra
Repeated on Tuesday at 11.15 a.m.
Productions by Betty Davies and Wyn Knowles
Melodies old and new
A programme of melodies old and new played by Sidney Bright and his Music with songs from
Julia Shelley and Brendan O'Dowda
Introduced by Colin Doran
Produced by John Fawcett Wilson
Music for everyone
News, views and interviews
The latest and the best of records
Your host tonight is
John Ellison
This edition includes:
Roundabout's singers of the week:
The Hedley Ward Trio
Can I Help You?:
Dudley Perkins's Post-bag
Desmond Carrington presents
The Singing Screen
Robert Gladwell introduces
A Roundabout Tune
6.29 Weather and News Headlines followed by Tonight's Topic
The music of the Roundabouters
Directed by Dennis Wilson Produced by Peter Duncan
Shipping Forecast at 5.58 on 1,500 m.
Written by Geoffrey Webb and Edward J. Mason.
A story of country folk.
A serial in eight episodes by Philip Levene
[Starring] Robert Urquhart and Gwen Cherrell
with John Dearth and Arnold Marle
with Peter Goodwright
Leonard Williams The Barry Sisters
Judith Chalmers
BBC Northern Dance Orchestra under the direction of Alyn Ainsworth with Jimmy Leach at the electronic organ
Written by James Casey and Frank Roscoe
Produced by James Casey
to Harry Worth also Involved are Paddy Edwards
Nicholas Parsons , Harry Locke
Bert Ezard
Wally Smith
Johnny Hawksworth and the Stan Tracey Quartet and also presents on record British and American artists
With whom he has been associated on his various world tours
Produced by John Hooper
with the tops in pop music
Presenting this week:
June Marlow
Jimmy Lloyd
Billy Fury
The Ken-Tones
The Ken Jones Music featuring Ken Jones at the piano and Ronnie Aldrich and the Squadeats
Introduced by Tim Gudgin Produced by John Kingdon
News Summary at 11.30
followed by Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m.