BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
BBC West of England Light Orchestra
Conductor, Frank Cantell
Bill McGuffie at the piano
Jack Emblow and his accordion
Eddie Palmer at the novachord
Leslie Baker and his violin
News Summary at 7.30
At 7.45 on 1,500 m.
G.T.S.; Shipping Forecast
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
Conducted by Gilbert Vinter
Introduced by Sam Costa
News Summary at 9.30
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
at the BBC theatre organ
Ian Stewart and his Quintet
From Wales
The Harp in the Street' by Oliver Onions
Read by his wife, Berta Ruck
Light Orchestra
Conductor, David Curry
Conductor, Guy Sherwood in a programme of light music
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Janie Marden. Nicholas Parsons
Rawicz and Landauer. Stan Stennett
Presented by Bill Worsley
Alyn Ainsworth and the BBC Northern Dance Orchestra with Sheila Buxton
Norman George and Jimmy Leach
Introduced by Roger Moffat
News Summary at 1.30
Shipping Forecast at 1.40 on 1,50t m.
Today's story: 'The Country Bus' by Hilda Ashby , told by Daphne Oxenford. Part 2.
Old Mrs. Herland: an anecdote to mark the anniversary of VE-Day
The Things that Strike Me: a comment on the week's news
Stings and Sunburns: suggestions from Sister Rayner
Reading Your Letters and Answering Your Questions
Denise Robins About Town
Serial: The Flame Trees of Thika' by Elspeth Huxley
Abridged by Eileen Capel
Read by Fay Compton
The final reading. Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
News Summary at 2.30
Conducted by Leonard Lamb
Tommy Reilly (harmonica)
News Summary at 3.30
Ronnie Munro and his Orchestra
Repeated on Monday at 11.15 a.m.
David Gell introduces top bands and vocalists of Ani.iica
Produced by Gerald Solomon
Music for everyone
News, views, and interviews
The latest and the best of records
Your host tonight is
Richard Murdoch
This edition includes
Roundabout's singer of the week:
Ronnie Carroll
Gardens: Fred Yule
Motoring: Phil Drackett
Rugby League: Alan Dixon
6.29 Weather and News Headlines followed by Tonight's Topic
The music of the Roundabouters
Directed by Dennis Wilson
Produced by Denys Jones
Shipping Forecast at 5.58 en 1,590 m.
Written by Geoffrey Webb and Edward J. Mason.
A story of country folk.
Bebe Daniels and Ben Lyon in with Barbara Lyon , Richard Lyon
Molly Weir
BBC Variety Orchestra (Leader, John Jezard )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Written by Bob Block ,
,Ronnie Hanbury and Bebe Daniels
Production by Tom Ronald
When she sings songs you will want to remember accompanied by Woolf Phillips and his Orchestra
Produced by David Miller
A spontaneous discussion by Ralph Wightman Ian Mikardo , M.P. Ted Leather, M.P .
Mary stocks
Travelling Question-Master,
Freddy Grisewood
Arranged by Michael Bowen
From the Institute,
Painswick, Gloucestershire
Comments on this programme for use in * Any Answers? ' should be addressed to the BBC,
Bristol, marked ' Any Questions? ' and should arrive on Alonday.
Music for Everybody featuring the BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader, William Armon )
Conducted by Gilbert Vinter
Martial and Melodious
Band of the Welsh Guards
Conducted by Major F. L. Statham
Director of Music
BBC Studio Choir
Conducted by Alan G. Melville and Friday Night's Star Singer
James Miliigan with Songs for All
Introduced by Jimmy Kingsbury
Produced by James Dufour Before an invited audience at the Camden Theatre, London
News Summary at 9.30
Invites you to listen to
Sidney Bowman and his Orchestra
In a programme of old time dance music
Introduced by Bryan Johnson
Master of Ceremonies, Stanley Wilson
Presented by Rex Burrows
at the BBC theatre organ invites you to
followed by Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m.