played today by the BBC Revue Orchestra (Leader, Antony Gilbert )
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
BBC Welsh Orchestra
(Leader, Philip Whiteway) Conductor, Rae Jenkins
The Montmartre Players Directed by Henry Krein
William Davies (theatre organ)
At 8.45 on 1,500 m.
Shipping Forecast
News Summary at 7.30
BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra
(Leader. Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Jack Leon
Some more of the records you have asked to hear
News Summary at 9.30
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
The best of today's ' Pop ' entertainment featuring
The Ray Ellington Quartet with Valerie Masters
The Jazz Cellar
The George Chisholm Swing Group
Cat's Call
Disc stars you've requested
This week's recording artists:
Glen Mason
Joy and Dave
The Ken Jones Four
Folk music with a beat sung and played by The Wanderers
(Continued in-next column)
New to You
Spinning the latest releases
Introduced by Brian Matthew
Produced by Jimmy Grant
News Summary at 10.30 and 11.30
Franklin Engelmann is the Chairman of this general knowledge contest in which listeners from all over the British Isles compete for the title
' Brain of Britain 1959'
The contestants representing London are:
Doris Holroyd , Secretary
Harry Scott , Company Director
Simon St. Quintin, Student
Arthur Hilliar
Ex-Radio Officer B.O.A.C.
The programme also includes
' Hear Hear! '
A test of memory for listeners at home and in the audience
Devised and written by John P. Wynn
Produced by Joan Clark
A close-up in music and sound of people and places the world over
This week: London
Presented by Denis Lewell
What's On Today?
A magazine programme including
Cricket: A summary of the day's play in the match between Victoria and M.C.C. at Melbourne
Football League: Charles Buchan in London. Charles Harrold in Birmingham. and Bill Bothwell in Manchester give the latest news and their opinions about this afternoon's games Scottish League: by David Francey
Rugby Union: Bryn Thomas on the Internatioral match between Walts and Eng'ecd at Cardiff
Rugby League: by Alan Dixon
Introduced by Eamonn Andrews
Produced by Angus Mackay
Music for Moderns
Shipping Forecast at 1.40 on 1,500 m.
at Sandown Park
The Mildmay Memorial Chase
A handicap race over a distance of three miles five furlongs and twenty-five yards Commentary by Raymond Glendenning, assisted by Roger Mortimer
From the Grandstand
with The Ragtimers
Presented, by Johnnie Stewart
A series of sound-track adaptations of popular first feature films
Presented by Desmond Carrington and Spencer Hale
and his Players
Commentary on the second half of one of today's League matches
4.5 app. Classified half-time scores
at the piano
survey of the day's sport
5.0 Football and Racing
The day's results read by John Webster
5.10 app. Special Reports and news flashes and interviews from the grounds
Rugby Union
Bryn Thomas reports from Cardiff on the international match between Wales and England
Football League
First Division: Arsenal v. Everton; Birmingham City v. Bolton Wanderers ; Blackburn Rovers v. Manchester United: Blackpool v. Wolverhampton Wanderers; Manchester City v. Leicester City
Second Division: Bristol Rovers v. Sheffield Wednesday; Liverpool v. Middlesbrough
Scottish League: David Francey on an outstanding match
Cricket: A summary of the day's play between Victoria and M.C.C. at Melbourne
Information Desk
Experts answer your questions and problems concerning sport .
Talking sport
Leading players, administrators, and journalists join Eamonn Andrews to discuss topics of the moment
5.52 app. Classified
Football Results
Produced by Angus Mackay
5.58 1,500 m.: Shipping Forecast
247 m. and VHF: Interlude
(Midland edition) with Ken Sykora
The Birmingham Guitar
Club Group
(Led by Ike Isaacs ) and guests for this week
Ivan Browne , Alf Brough
Ronnie Joynes. and Joe Penney
Introduced by Ken Sykora
Presented by James Pestridge and John Kingdon
'An American in Paris'
Sim Copans , with the aid of records, surveys the contemporary Parisian jazz scene
Produced by Jack Dabbs
Charles Buchan summarises the day's outstanding games
Music and words for all tastes featuring Alyn Ainsworth and the BBC Northern Dance Orchestra with Sheila Buxton
Sydney Sax with the Harlequins and personalities such as James Drake
Walter Flesher
Peter Goodwright
Noel Harrison
Brian Johnston with his Headliner
Captain Bill Langbein
Frank Marchant
Russell Napier telling a short story by John Gregory
Continuity script by Charles Richardson
Outside broadcasts arranged by Michael Haslings
Edited and produced by John Bridges
News Summary at 8.30 and 9.30
A Preview
Robin Richards , speaking from Glasgow, introduces the programme and calls up Raymond Baxter , starting from Lisbon, Peter Dimmock in Stockholm, Tommy Wisdom in Paris, and gives the latest news he has received from starting points in Athens and Warsaw.
Broadcast in co-operation with Emissora Nacional de Radiodifusao , Sveriges Radio, and Radiodiffusion-Television Française
You are invited to dance to the music of Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra featuring all that is best in ballroom dancing
Produced by David Miller
including a review of the current best-selling popular records as well as some of the very latest issues
Produced by Derek Chinnery
News Summary at 11.30
Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m.