BBC Revue Orchestra (Leader, Antony Gilbert)
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
BBC Welsh Orchestra (Leaden, Philip Whiteway)
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
The Montmartre Players Directed by Henry Krein
William Davies (theatre organ)
(BBC recording)
At 6.45 on 1,500 m.
Shipping Forecast
News Summary at 7.30
BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Jack Leon
Some more of the records you have asked to hear
News Summary at 9.30
A storyt a hyimn, and a prayer
The best of today's 'pop' entertainment featuring Don Lang
The Mike McKenzie Quartet
The Jazz Cellar The Squadcats with Joan Baxter
The Jazz group from the Squadronaires Orchestra directed by Ronnie Aldrich
Cat's Call
Disc stars you've requested
The Pete Curtis
Folk and Blues Quintet
This week's recording artists
Don Rennie
Donna Douglas
The Hi-Spots
BBC Revue Orchestra
(Leader. Antony Gilbert )
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
New to You
Spinning the latest releases
Introduced, by Brian. Matthew
Produced, by Jimmy Graat
News Summary at 10.30 and 11.30
Chairman, Franklin Engelmann
2-Home Counties
Devised and written by John. P. Wymn
Produced, by Joan. Clark
A close-up in musnc and sound of people and places the world over
This week: The Circus
Presented by Denis Lewell
What's On Today) ?
A magazine programme
Cricket: A brief report from Crawford White on the day's play between New South Wales and M.C.C. at Sydney
F.A. Cup: Charles Buchan in London, Charles Harrold in Birmingham, and Bill Bothwell in Manchester give the latest news and prospects for this afternoon's Fourth Round ties
Scottish League: by Ian Macniven Rugby League: by Alan Dixon
Introduced byi Eamonn Andrews
Produced, by Angus Mackay
Musde for Moderns
A sound-track adaptation of Twentieth Century-Fox's
' Mardi Gras' starring Pat Boone
Christine Carere , Tommy Sands
Sheree North , Gary Crosby and Fred Clark
Presented, by Desmond Carmirieton and. Spencer Hale
with The Ragtimers
Presented by Johnnie Stewart
Morris Motors Band
Conductor, G. V. Brooks with Gwyn Davies (cornet) and Cliff Edmunds (tenor horn) and guest artist
Elton Hayes who sings to a small guitar
See above
and his Sextet entertain you with , music in lighter vein
A comprehensive and up-to-the-minute aurvey of the day's sport from reporters' and observers throughout the country and overseas
5.0 Football and' Racing
The days results read byi John Webster
Goalscorers, reports, comment, replay dates, attendances. A complete round-up of play in the sixteen ties
Scottish League: Ian Macniven on an outstanding match
Cricket: Crawford White reports from Australia on the prospects for the Fourth Test Match which starts at Adelaide on Friday
Talking Sport
Leading players, administrators, and journalises join Eamonn Andrews at the microphone to discuss topics of the moment
5.52 app. Classified Football Results
Produced by Angus Mackay
with Ken Syikora
The Guitar Club Group
(Led by Ike Isaacs ), amd guests for this week:
Virginia Greenshields
Ray Dempsey and Dion O'Brien
Initnodlucedi byi Ken Sykora
Presented by John Kingdon
A programme of traditional, mainstream, and modern jazz on gramophone records
Produced by) Jack Dabbs
Charles Buchan summarises the day's outstanding games
News Summary
[presented by] Charles Richardson
with The Lou Whiteson Orchestra
Jeremy Lubbock with his Quartet
and more recorded music
This evening's visitors include:
J.B. Boothroyd
Nina Epton
Cyril Fletcher
The Gaunt Brothers
Gerard Hoffnung
Charles Hughes
Captain Bill Langbein
The Mystery Playlet: 'The Lord of Langdale' by Mary Stewart
(Jeremy Lubbock is appearing at the Satire Club, London)
News Summary at 8.30 and 9.30
You are inivited to dance to the music of Victor Silvester aod his Ballroom Orchestra
Produced by David Miller
including a review of the current best-selling popular records as well as some of the very latest issues
Produced by Derek Chinnery
News Summary at 11.30
followedi by Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m.