BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra
(Leader. Jack Nugent ) Conductor, Jack Leon
The Montmartre Players Directed by Henry Krein
William Davies (theatre organ)
At 6.45 on 1,500 m.
Shipping Forecast
News Summary at 7.30
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
(Leader. James Hutcheon )
Conducted by Gerald Gentry
Pete Murray introduces your request records
News Summary at 9.30
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Directed by David Wolfsthal with The Sheila Bromberg Quartet
Cecil Norman and the Rhythm Players
' Christmas Equated' by Robert Lait
Read by Noel Johnson
Script by Lesley Wilson
at the organ of the Tower Ballroom, Blackpool
from the Royal Air Force Stati
Benson, Oxon. with Marion Ryan , George Martin
Nat Temple , The Polka Dots
James Moody (piano) Bert Weedon (guitar) Tim Bell (double-bass)
Presented by Bill Gates
Forty-five minutes of musical entertainment from
Eric Delaney and his Band with Gene Williams
Introduced by Jimmy Kingsbury
A programme for children under five Today's story: ' The Singing Christmas Tree ' by Rosemary Bennett. told by Julia Lang.
Last-Minute Hints: Ann Hardy with the last of her Christmas cookery talks
The Black Stocking: A Christmas memory from William Taylor Reading Your Letters
At the Top: some successful women talk to Anne Wild. 1-The headmistress of a comprehensive school
From the Christmas Mailbag: Friends of Woman's Hour overseas send greetings
Serial: ' Arctic Bride ' by Wanda Neill Tolboon
Abridged by Honor Wyatt
Read by Helen Horton
The fifth of six instalments
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
News Summary at 2.30
Alyn Ainsworth and the BBC Northern Dance Orchestra
Les Howard, Norman George
Introduced by Roger Moffat
News Summary at 3.30
Band of the Coldstream Guards
Conducted by Major Douglas A. Pope
Director of Music
and his Viennese Music with Patricia Varley (soprano)
Ernst Naser (zither)
News, views, and interviews
Human interest stories
Show business gossip
The world's greatest recording stars and their records
Your host tonight is
David Jacobs
This edition includes
From Our Own Sellers
Peter Sellers tells a Christmas story
Christmas Carols
Travellers join a British Railway. staff choir in singing carols
Introduced by Raymond Baxter from Euston. Station
followed by Tonight's Topic
Look Back with Angers
Avril Angers comments musically on a news item
Dennis Wilson and his Trio Produced by Jack Singleton
Shipping Forecast at 5.58 on 1,500 m.
Written by Edward J. Mason and Geoffrey Webb.
A story of country folk.
Old Age Pensioners of Chelmsford with Mabel at ' The Table ' and Harry Hudson at the piano
Presented by Stephen Williams
Written by and including
Bob Monkhouse and Denis Goodwin
Diana Decker , Pat Coombs
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor. Paul Fenoulhet
Music written and arranged by Bob Sharpies
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
A choice of gramophone records for the family circle
by Philip Levene
Produced by Robin Midgley
Marion Ryan , Michael Desmond
Johnny Pearson at the piano
The Peter Yorke Orchestra with the Singing Strings
Introduced by Robin Boyle Presented by Frank Hooper
The best in dance music from
Kenny Baker 's New Dozen
' The Band with the Beat'
Sidney Bright and his Music with Belle Gonzalez