BBC Welsh Orchestra
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Ralph Elman and his Bohemian Players
The Billy Mayerl Rhythm Ensemble
Introduced by John Watt
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Conductor, Elgar Clayton
The Banjoliers
Directed by Jack Mandel
From the North of England
' Nobbut Ninety-Two' by Jill Roberts
Read by Violet Carson
at the BBC theatre organ
The second in a series of programmes in which well-known British band leaders introduce records made by their own bands and orchestras
from a factory canteen at Bristol
Jon Pertwee, Pearl Carr, Garth Meade, The Kentones, The Ron Millington Trio
Introduced by Derek Jones
Produced by Brian Patten
at the piano.
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Billie Baker (soprano)
Introduced by Ivan Samson
Master of Ceremonies. Bill Groves
News Summary at 1.30
Shipping Forecast at 1.40 on 1,500m.
Today's story: 'Sailor Surprise' by E. Westmarland , told by Julia Lang.
You Ask For It: 4-How can I make my speaking voice more attractive? The first of two talks in which Gwynneth Thurburn helps listeners
Back to Normal: Eric Newby describes his birth and death as a salesman
Straight or Curly f: a leading hairdresser discusses children's hair
Reading Your Letters: expressing listeners' points of view
Pain: A scientist gives the second of three talks
(Continued in next column)
Serial: The Sunset Hour ' by Margaret Summerton
Abridged by Donald Bancroft
Read by Mary Wimbush
The seventh of fifteen instalments
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
News Summary at 2.30
George Scott-Wood and his Accordion Band
Reginald Leopold and the Palm Court Orchestra
Visiting artist: Helen Clare
Script by Billy Thatcher
Music from theatre and films played by the BBC West of England
Light Orchestra
(Leader. Frederick Lunnon )
Conductor, Frank Cantell
A melody miscellany from the Continent
Including a musical snapshot of Prague with memories of Dvorak, Smetana, and Mozart
Introduced by Irene Prador Produced by Denis Lewell
Shipping Forecast at 5.58 on 1,500 m.
each Thursday presents
The Phillips Brothers
Introducing music for other families
Sid Phillips and his Band
Woolf Phillips and his Orchestra with Rae Diamond and Ray Burns
Introduced by Michael Brooke
Written by Geoffrey Webb and Edward J. Mason.
A story of country folk.
John Ellison and Robert MacDermot are the question-masters in this general knowledge contest between representative teams from girls' and boys' schools in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland
Birkenhead Institute (Boys) v.
The High School for Girls,
Questions set by Tom Williams
Produced by Joan Clark
A choice of gramophone records for the family circle
A radio correspondence column inwhich listeners add their comments to the views expressed in last Friday's 'Any Questions?'
Introduced by Freddy Grisewood
where she sings her favourite songs and talks about the world of show business
Accompanied by Billy Ternent and his Orchestra
Produced by Johnnie Stewart
A series of adventures in the life of a Public Relations Officer in a famous London hotel
2 — ' The Maharaja's Hat'
Production by Tom Ronald
A first hearing of two traditional jazz groups
Charlie Galbraith and his Band
Pat Hawes and his Jazzmen
Introduced by Dill Jones
Produced by Jimmy Grant
Reginald Leopold and his Players
News Summary at 11.30
followed by Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m. only