Southern Serenade Orchestra
Directed by Lou Whiteson
The Sunday Supplement to Woman's Hour
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson including:
Open Letter an able body from Nancy Bull
A Modern Triangle: Work. Husband, and Home. A survey of some married women and the way they spend their time: 9-A banker
Lord Elton: a recent guest of Woman's Hour
Godfrey Winn talking to Googie Withers
Gordon Gow reviews some current films
Sidney Vivian reads the fifth of six extracts from ' Beefy Jones ' by E. L. Malpass
Munn and Felton's Works Band
Stanley H. Boddington
with Sheila Buxton
The Raymond Woodhead Singers and the BBC Northern Dance Orchestra
Conducted by Alyn Ainsworth
Introduced by Roger Moffat
The British West Indies Show
Peter Ricardo introduces
Thomas Baptiste
Nadia Cattouse
Harriott and Evans
The Pilgrim Chorus
The Hutchinson Henderson
All West Indian Band
Produced by Frank Hooper
Faithfulness grows up out of the earth..... (Psalm 84. v. 12)
I-As a man sows, so shall he reap
From, the Roman Catholic Church, Drumaroad, Castlewellan, Co. Down; conducted by Canon Denis Cahill
Organist, Bridie O'Neill
Some news of current programmes
For Service men and women stationed abroad and their families at home
Presented from London and Cologne by Kay Sharman and Dennis Scuse
Laugh with the Cotton Boys
Listen to
Alan Breeze
The Man of Many Voices and Kathie Kay with melody and charm with The Bandits and Mr. Wakey-Wakey (Himself)
Script by Eddie Gurney and Arthur Pastor
Production by Glyn Jones
9—' Who Marries Who? '
Written by Eddie Maguire
Production by Jacques Brown
at the piano
Script by Godfrey Harrison
Episode 6
In which David Bliss finds a new girl friend.
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
with Deryck Guyler , Len Lowe
Pat Coombs , Marian Miller
The Stargazers .
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Script by Charles Hart and Bernard Botting
Produced by Frank Hooper
with his Concert Orchestra
Reginald Leopold and his Violin
Henry Krein and The Montmartre Players and Bruce Trent
Introduced by Roy William * Produced by Edward Nash
with a BBC Outside Recording Unit He recently visited Lurgan, Northern Ireland, to meet local people who talked about their lives and jobs and chose their favourite music
Produced by Phyllis Robinson
played by Eddie Calvert
The Man with the Golden Trumpet and Peter Yorke with his Silver Strings
Introduced by Alan Dell Presented by Roy Speer
by Warren Chetham-Strode
Production by Audrey Cameron and Peter Watts
Advice and assistance by Arthur Harrison, M.A.
A summary of events of the past week
Max Jaffa and the Palm Court Orchestra
This week's visiting artist:
John Hauxvell
Community hymn-singing led by combined Anglican and Free Church choirs of the district, from Hebron Methodist Church, Staple Hill, Bristol
Hymns introduced by Charles Brewer At the name of Jesus (Tune, Evelyns) 0 worship the King (Tune, Old
Let earth and heaven combine (Tune,
Praise to the Holiest (Tune, Gerontius)
Jesus lives (Tune, St. Albinus)
(Continued in next column)
Thou didst leave thy throne (Tune,
Be thou my Guardian (Tune, Abridge) Hail to the Lord's Anointed (Tune,
Blessing by the Minister, the Rev. Vernon Stones
Organist, Sadie Hatherell
Choirmaster, Bertram Stock
presenting a galaxy of stars now appearing at seaside resorts along the coast of East Anglia
Jimmy James assisted by Bretton Woods and Roy Castle
Barbara Leigh
Don Peters
Herschel Henlere
Lorrae Desmond with Alan Fowler at the piano
Peter Vernon
Harry Engleman , his piano and his Orchestra
Produced by Charles Chilton
Christian hymns their music and their meaning
Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Tune, Replon)
My God, my Father, make me strong (Tune, Es ist kein Tag)
O thou who earnest from above (Tune, Hereford)
A late evening setting for romance with Eric Jupp and his Orchestra
Introducing the artistry of Bill Povey , Jock Bain and Stanley Roderick
Produced by John BroweU
A selection of the latest records including each week
Tipped /or the Top the three records from last week's programme that you have voted as most likely to climb the hit parade
Produced by Derek Chinnery
followed by Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m. only