Results and reports of the day's events by Rex Alston and Raymond Glendenning
Alan Dell introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
at the organ of the Odeon, Leicester Square, London
Ralph Elman and his Bohemian Players
followed by MORNING STORY
'Fifteen Years After* by James Pattinson
Read by Lionel Gamlln
Conducted by Major F. L. Statham
Director of Music
A report on the day's events by the team of BBC commentators attending the Games
and his Mayfair Music with Rita Williams and Dave Carey
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Introduced by Eileen Browne
Today's story: ' The Roadmenders ' by Mary Reinach , told by Julia Lang
regarding Christmas
A Man's Working Day described by a London postman
The Art of Giving: a discussion on the planning of Christmas presents, including some news and advice about children s toys and house plants. Speakers: Wyn Griffith , Philip Honey , June Jay . and Frances Perry. Chairman: Janet Quigley
Arthur Marshall on party games
Serial: ' The Lighthearted Quest' by Ann Bridge
Read by Sheila Mitchell
1 —' Julia Fails Fast'
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
followed by REGINALD KING and his Orchestra
Peter Dimuantes (tenor)
Denny Boyce and his Orchestra
Mrs. Morgan quarrelled finally with Rosa and left Virginia Lodge to go and stay with her relations in Hampshire. Fulton fell and broke his big toe while climbing in Italy. He sent for Rosa at once, but she refused to go back to Italy. Maggl went to Hampshire and brought Mrs. Morgan back with him. Rosa and she avoided each other after her return.
by John Steinbeck
Adapted by Gilbert Thomas
Production by Martyn C. Webster
Melody and song by Bill McGuffie and his All-Star Players with The Keynotes
The Johnston Brothers and Julie Dawn
Production by Johnnie Stewart
A series about you and your job presented by members of the Younger Generation
The Social Services
Work in the social services needs people with tolerance, tact, and a genuine interest in their fellow human beings.
Pat Johnson spends a day with Miss
Evans, a senior Child Care Officer in Nottinghamshire, visiting children and families, working in co-operation with the local hospital almoner and the probation officer. Finally Pat Johnson puts queries about each type of work to Mrs. Spence, the county Children's Officer.
Introduced by Don Durbridge
Queries arising from this programme can be sent to Crossroads, BBC, London, W.I. A selection will be answered in a special edition on December 17.
Olympic Report and Sport
Question-masters, John Ellison and Robert MacDermot
10-Second Round
Barnsley and District
Holgate Grammar School (boys) v. Glenlola School, Bangor (girls)
Questions set by Tom Williams
Produced by Joan Clark
with Peter Sellers
Harry Secombe , Spike Milligan
Ralph Truman in 8—' The Trial of Dr. Petiot '
Written by Bob Kesten
Series edited and produced by Alan Burgess
In the Palais de Justice on March 18, 1946, Dr. Marcel Petiot faced the Seine
Assize Court accused of murdering twenty-seven people. At the beginning of the trial he shouted at the Judge ' I have killed sixty-three people! ' This is the story of the amazing trial which was one of the sensations of Paris for several weeks.
played by Geraldo and his Orchestra
Top of the Hits
Meet the Band
The Geraldo Glee Club
(Chorus-Master, Bob Brown )
Composer's Corner
From the Song Shop
Margaret Rose
The Tip Toppers
Geraldo Salutes
Songs with Strings with the voice of Roy Edwards
Dancing Through with Doreen Hume , Eric Whitley and David Winnard
Introduced by Bruce Wyndham
Produced by David Miller
A survey of the prospects for tomorrow
A melodic pattern woven for your pleasure by Tom Hemsley (baritone)
The Michael Krein Saxophone Quartet
Charles Spinks (harpsichord)
Sheila Bromberg (harp)
Josephine Lee (piano) with the London Studio Players
Conducted by Leighton Lucas
Produced by Neil Sutherland
Short stories by L. A. G. Strong
1 — ' The Balance'
Read by the author
Dance music designed for late evening listening with Cleo Laine , Tony Mansell
The Johnny Dankworth Orchestra and this week's featured instrumentalist,
Kenny Clare (drums)
Produced by Jimmy Grant
followed by Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m. only